"IPC increasingly became the tertiary institution in New Zealand that most actively pursues the idea that learning other languages is the key to knowing and understanding other cultures. As geographic distance becomes less and less important, it is correspondingly more important that we are able to communicate fully with people from very different cultures, people who may take entirely different meanings from the same events, statements or behaviour.
Among IPC's other significant innovations is its emphasis on inter-disciplinary studies and its approach to the study of international affairs, In its recognition of the importance of sustainable development, widespread poverty reduction, of human and indigenous peoples' rights, and protection of the environment, in the international quest for world stability, IPC has demonstrated a freshness of approach to the problems of the present and of the future. In these areas IPC is taking an educational lead, not only here in New Zealand, but also, undoubtedly, for the Asia-Pacific region as a whole.
Recently IPC's first master's programme, devoted to international environmental issues was launched. Environmental issues, which require a level of international co-operation not so far achieved if just and enduring solutions to complex problems are to be found, are an ideal interdisciplinary, multi-cultural educational project. In this programme, I believe it is likely that some future national, regional and even world leaders will begin their life's work."